In the 1950s, scientists discovered that silicon was an ideal material to use for solar cells. Silicon is an abundant resource, and it’s available in everyday sand. Solar technology has continued evolving, and it’s becoming increasingly cheaper and more efficient. But is it right for your RV? Here’s a look at how modern solar panels work. To learn more, come see us at Chesapeake RV Solutions in Chesapeake, Virginia. We serve RV lovers in Virginia Beach and Suffolk, Virginia.

How Do RV Solar Panels Work?

When your RV is on the road or parked, the cells on the rooftop solar panels absorb the sun’s energy and turn it into electrical current. That current is subsequently fed through wires to a charge controller and it becomes 12 volt DC power. 12 volt power is sufficient to power your RV’s lights, appliances, and electronic devices. You can also use an inverter to convert it to 120-Volt AC. If you’re boondocking deep in the woods, you can power everything all day as long as you have enough direct sunlight hitting your roof and a sufficient amount of cells and batteries.  

How Many Solar Panels Will You Need?

You’ll need to estimate your average energy consumption in order to get started. You’ll need to determine how many watt-hours of power you will need to generate each day, and you'll need to calculate how much energy your solar panels provide to the batteries. You’ll need to have enough solar cells to generate the power, and enough batteries to store the power. 

There are a couple of ways to figure out that information. You can learn how much power each appliance consumes, and then estimate the number of hours that you use each appliance each day. Be sure to generously overestimate how much power you’ll need, and keep in mind that your solar cells and batteries’ charging specs are based on ideal charging conditions (direct sunlight all day). If that all sounds too complicated, just spend a day without using your electrical hookups and monitor your battery usage.

Are RV Solar Panels Worth It?

If you boondock frequently and aren’t always near a reliable power source, solar panels can be money well-spent. They’re a great way to take advantage of a free power source, and they’re a one time expense. But if you usually camp in RV parks, the money you would have spent on solar panels might be better invested in other upgrades.

Visit our dealership in Chesapeake, Virginia, serving Virginia Beach and Suffolk, Virginia for more information, and to see our current inventory of RVs for sale.